Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg
Gabriel Harvey, 1552-1631: Sonnet VI

I WOTT not what these cutting Huffe-snuffes meane:
Of Alehouse-daggers I haue little skill :
I borrow not my phrase of knaue, or queane,
But am a dettour to the Ciuill quill.
It is restoratiue vnto my hart,
To heare how gentle Cheeke, and Smith conuers'd :
No daintier peece of delicatest Art,
Then cordiall Stories charmingly rehears'd.
That whilom rudest wooddes, and stones emperc'd.
Who now beginnes that amiable part?
Haddon farewell : and Ascham thou art slale.
And euery sweetnes taftes of bitter bale.
     Oh, let me liue to interuiew the face
     Of faire Humanity, and bounteous Grace.


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